Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Disneyland (Adventureland)

Let’s shed the cow boy boots and lets go on an adventure where we will see wild animals and maybe even a cannibal. That is right we are now entering Adventure Land.

Right away you will see The enchanted Tiki Room. Where the birds sing words and the flowers groove. This is where you will meet Jose, Michael, Pierre and Fritz the musical birds. You can ask to wake up Jose all you have to ask is one of the attendants

The next attraction is the world famous Jungle Cruise. You will see elephants, hippos, and maybe even see the rarest sight ever…. The back side of water. This is a kid friendly ride. Very mellow.
Next is Indianan Jones Adventure where you are in a jeep where you have to accompany Indiana Jones. They say you should not look in to the eye of ……. If you do you probably won’t make it through this adventure. Then the all famous boulder chasing after you.

And last but not least of Adventureland is Tarzans Tree House. A walking tour kind of. There are a lot of stairs and kind of high so I would not recommend it if you are afraid of heights.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Disneyland (Frontierland)

That’s right lets shed the dresses and glass slippers and put on our cowboy hats and boots. That’s right it is time for Frontierland.

 Let’s start off by the entrance they are real logs. And when you get in to frontierland look down at the floor and tell me are those horse shoe prints and boot prints? I think they are.

Well as soon as you walk in to frontierland you will most likely hear the Shooting gallery. You get your gun and you shoot at the targets….. But you don’t win anything.

Then then next thing that will catch your eye is another mountain. Yes it is The Thunder Mountain Railroad a thrill for most "It's the wildest ride in the wilderness". You go through caverns and see “wild life” and even go splashing near old dinosaur bones. (no one gets wet here)

And then across from that is it a Pirate ship (the Columbia which has no seating) or is it a steam paddleboat? Either way you can hop on it and take a ride around and see Tom Sawyers Island and maybe even see the Indians. Watch out for the Jumping fishes. 

And on to Tom Sawyers Island have you noticed there is something strange about it…. Like its overrun by PIRATES????  You can go on a adventure finding the pirates treasure and even go in to the bone cage you’ve seen from Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest. They have little Passageways what unless you are about 4ft even you won’t really fit unless you like being in cramp quarters  but once you get to the back side of the island you will find the treasure.

Also if you take the long way. and what I mean by the back way you will see they have a petting zoo where you can pet little goats and maybe even a big one. They have a donkey sometimes two and then they also sometimes they have a cow that you can pet.

And then there is the Golden Horseshoe a place to catch Billy Hill and the Hillbilly’s it is a comedy routine and well lets say its laugh out loud funny.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dineyland (Fantasyland)

Ok I hope we have had a great Adventure in Tomorrowland because now its time to shed the space uniform and get you ready for Dresses,  Fairy Godmothers, Dreams come true ,evil step mothers and happily ever afters.  Yes it is time for Fantasyland. 

The most popular way to get to fantasyland is go right in to the castle and once you walk in look at the ground if you notice it is just a little gold spot not a big meaning to a lot of people who don’t know what is it (just so you know it is said to be the center of Disneyland) and of you go left you will see a door that is the walk through story of Sleeping Beauty. (there are a lot of stairs in this)(then there is  a wheelchair Accessible on the right)

Lets keep going left there is Snow White’s Scary Adventure that is a Very slow moving ride through the story. You get to see the seven dwarves and  Snow White herself.

Then there is a Pinocchio’s Daring Journey. That is a slow moving ride and this is going right through the movie of Pinocchio you get to go on the journey with Pinocchio and his conscience Jiminy Cricket .

Then there is King Authur Carrousel. You listen to the Disney Music while racing around.
And here is Mr.Toads Wild Ride the name says it all. You go on a very wild ride tile one person in you car “drives “

And now it is time for Peter Pans Flight. You get to climb aboard a magical ship and go soaring around London and Neverland so you never have to grow up.

Now there is Casey Jr. Circus Train where you could be a Monkey or a caged animal going through different movies.

And there is Storybook Land Canal Boats it runs right along with  the Circus Train.
There is also Alice in wonderland where you board a Catapiller and go through the movie.


And one of the most famous rides Dumbo the Flying Elephant you can take Dumbo up and down as many times as you would want.

Lets go on a ride where your scenes get jumbled and you start to spin yes it is the mad tea party (teacups) around and around you go where you stop nobody knows.


And then there is the most recognized It’s A Small World!! Yes this animatronic ride will take you through the world and you will hear the song played in all the languages in the ride.


Then there is the huge mountain that everyone can see when they walk in yes that is right it is the Matterhorn Bobsleds a fast moving thrill ride.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Disneyland (Tomorrowland)

Lets go Clockwise like everyone does and that leaves us at
Tomorrowland :

The first thing you see is the Astro Orbitor and its very big “planets”  and then  the Rockets start and then you see them blast off and they go through space between the planets.

 Then you go right and you see the Star Tours ride and wow its in 3D lets hope the not so captain C3PO learns how to drive the ship…. (not very good if you get motion sickness).

 And then there is a fun game/ride called Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster you get to beat the evil emperor Zerg  you must shoot him down side by side with your partner and BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!!! 

 Then there is the thrill ride Space Mountain a fast thrilling ride in the dark you turn you go up and down but not upside down.


 And right next to the ride is a show Captain EO starring Michael Jackson during the show you will be pulsating with the music because it used to be Honey I Shrunk the Audience.


 Then there is the rotating building called  Innovations it is full of very futureistic devices that look like a house that have a mirror that talks and then a table that has a screen that ripples when you put something on it.

 After you exit you keep going to your right and then there is the one and only place where a 5 year old can drive oh yes that is Autopia where you can go and go and go you might even see monorail you even get your own drivers license.


And right next to that is Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage where you go on the adventure with Marlin and Dorey to find Nemo. It is a very cute ride (it is very claustrophobic)

Disneyland (Intro)

“To all who come to this happy place. Welcome. Disneyland is your land.” 

The words that started this adventure of the amazing kingdom that is Disneyland. 
It is filled with adventure, Futuristic devices, and a whole bunch of characters.

You may find your inner Explorer in Adventure land.
your inner child in Toon Town
maybe even your inner Princess or prince in Fantasyland.
even a space astronaut walking in to Tomorrowland.
Maybe your inner cowboy/cowgirl in Frontierland.
Go walking down New Orleans Square maybe you’ll meet a pirate.
Make a Splash in Critter Country.
All are here to show you that your imagination is endless.  

Before you get to Main street you will be greeted by A huge Mickey mouse face made of flowers in front of the train station which will drop you off in 3 of the lands and through the prim evil era to get before returning you to Main street. There is also Great moments with Mr. Lincoln it is an animatronic show where they tell about his past.  

There are many ways of getting to the castle. There is is the Double Decker Omnibus, the horse drawn turn of the 19th century street cars, And the motorized Jalopies or just walking down good old Main Street.

Let’s take a stroll down Main Street U.S.A. other than all of the shops your eye will most likely go straight to the one the only Sleeping Beauty’s Castle with Walt and Mickey waiting for you to get there. But to get there you have to go by all of the shops. The Penny Arcade, The Emporium, The magic shop, The candy shop. There are so many shops with such good merchandise. (but I like shopping for last so you don’t have to carry around your stuff and worry about losing them.) After you get through Main Street you have the big question where to go to first…..

Adventureland for Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean ??????
Frontierland for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad??????
Fantasyland for It’s a Small World or Peter Pan??????
Tomorrowland for Star Tours or Space Mountain?
Oooh the decisions!!!!!